
The PaperWork Services API, AJAX Library, Action Script Library, PaperWork CEVA and JMS adapter are the components that are part of the PaperWork framework.(all black boxes)

Custom WebUI and Custom UI and Custom Flex UIs can be developed using the AJAX Library and Actionscript Library respectively. PaperWork CEVAs are out of the box Flex UIs for a variety of Case Management applications pre-built using the ActionScript Library. The AJAX and ActionScript libraries interact with the back-end PaperWork services API using DWR (Direct Web Remoting) and Adobe BlazeDS respectively. The JMS adapter enables Enterprise Application Integration by exposing the PaperWork Services API using a JMS Message Driven Bean.


PaperWork Services API

A POJO wrapper API for P8 CE and PE Java APIs, that takes and returns Java primitives and collections.

Click here for P8 API Documentation


Direct Web Remoting (DWR) uses a Servlet wrapper to expose PaperWork Services JAVA API in JavaScript.

Read more on DWR Open Source Library


BlazeDS exposes PaperWork Services JAVA API as ActionSctript classes for the Flex RIA.

BlazeDS - Adobe Open Source>>